Sunday, June 15, 2014

GUEST BLOGGER! Lady Jen Slaughter!

I am so excited to have our first of many Guest Bloggers! 
Lady Jen Slaughter is a woman of God who truly leads by example! She is transparent with a heart to help women, young ladies and girls be all that God would have them to be. Please enjoy her post. I know I did!

"I Quit"

That’s what I rolled over in the bed and said to my husband this morning. Yesterday was a MUCH better day for me; prayer last night on the YMA prayer call was really good, my employee told me what a good job I was doing at work yesterday, payday Friday was coming and there was still money in my account on Thursday, so I was happy.

Friday morning was a different story…

And honestly, I couldn’t tell you what happened in those wee hours in the morning to change my emotions from happy to sad so quickly, but something did happen, and now I was considering a quest to find a new job that would finally make me “happy,” so I wanted to quit!!

How many times have we said or actually done that in our lives? When different situations arise in our lives, we flat-out quit because life has now gotten too tough. It felt really good when the Pastor gave you praise for singing good on Sunday morning, but now that you have 6 more singing engagements and your children have put you in a bad mood today, you don’t want to sing THAT much…so you quit!

We’ve quit:

Church auxiliaries
Church positions
A whole church
Trying to look for a job
Trying to look for a better job
Trying to better ourselves
Forgiving ourselves
Forgiving others
Loving our enemies
Being patient with our children

And the list goes on…

Think about it ladies, because of our emotions we’ve moved outside the will of God; because remember if the Lord called you to a station, HE MUST RELEASE YOU when he’s ready for you to move on. You don’t release yourself. And wasn’t life MISERABLE when you did quit too early? When you allowed your emotions to move you, to do something God didn’t sanction what happened? Your money got funny, change got strange, children started to act up, husband started to act up, the dog started to act up, you lost your peace and your joy, your girlfriends stopped calling etc.

So, today when your emotions tell you to QUIT because a situation is too hard,, tell your emotions “Thank you for your opinion, but no thank you” because Romans 8:31 says If God be for us, who can be against us?

If God has placed you in that marriage, that church auxiliary, that job or that church he has equipped you to take on the challenges that WILL arise. There is no one or no-thing that is strong enough to come against You + GOD and win!! Don’t Be Discouraged. Tough it out. Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord.

Don’t Quit!!

Sis. Jen

1 comment:

  1. Good post! My prayer... Lord give us the finishers anointing like Jehu and Solomon.
